

Six Healing Sounds

The Six Healing Sounds and related postures help to restore, balance, and cleanse the vital organs. They also stimulate the Chi flow throughout the body to enhance one’s overall health and vitality. These Cosmic Six Healing Sounds and their postures help to release any excess heat that may be trapped in the cooling sacs which surround each organ. Their vibrations redistribute any excess heat into cooler regions of the body where it can safely be stored or used. Once the organ energies are balanced, you have a good foundation for establishing and nurturing the virtue energies. This will help to maintain the Chi balance throughout the system. Practice of the Cosmic Six Healing Sounds can help maintain calmness and health.

The Inner Smile is a practice that focuses on gratitude, peace and joy through the internal organs to resolve the physical and mental and emotional tensions that can lead to illness. In Taoism negative emotions like anger, sadness, depression, fear, and worry are known as low grade energy that causes chronic disease and steals our major life force by creating energy blockages.

Five Elements ChiGong

The five elements chi gong is of the Maoshan Taoist lineage in China. This standing practice consists of a combination of postures organized according to the five elements creative cycle. This is an alchemical chi gong utilized for balancing and refining the vital energy (chi) and the musculoskeletal system of the practitioner. Typically, these postures are held for several minutes each in order to derive benefits.

This type of exercise is remarkable in that it strengthens the bones, tendons, connective tissue and nerves unlike typical western exercises which focus mainly on muscles. Practitioners develop great strength, both inner and outer, without becoming bulky and slow. Because the postures are all done symmetrically any pre-existing imbalances in strength and efficiency can be corrected.

Each exercise corresponds to an element in the Chinese 5 Elements Creation Cycle and each element with an organ. Wood with liver, fire with heart, earth with spleen, metal with lungs and water with kidneys. The exercises not only serve to balance the health of the organs but the associated emotions as well. Much cheaper than psychotherapy, chiropractic, acupuncture, etc…it is far easier to prevent illness than to cure it.

Five Treasures Qigong

Featuring gentle movements, deep breathing, healing sounds, and meditation techniques, “Five Treasures Qigong” promotes the circulation of blood and Qi (vital energy) within the body. The practice is rejuvenating and renewing. Just a few minutes of practice evokes states of internal stillness, centering, balance and a feeling of well being. Qigong is also practiced to strengthen the internal organs and the immune system. The more you practice the greater the benefit.

Fire ChiGong

Level 1

Students learn both static and dynamic forms to absorb energy from heaven and earth, storing it in their elixir fields (tan tiens) in order to nourish, tonify and increase their internal store of chi (energy) within their body. Level 1 is the foundation and prerequisite for the more advanced chigong forms (levels 2, 3,) as the transmission paves the way for the higher levels by opening channels and increasing the amount of chi the student can absorb. The goal of the student after learning these forms should be to fill the lower tan-tien so that the chi automatically overflows into the microcosmic orbit, at which time the student can practice Level 2 Qigong with confidence.

Fire ChiGong

Level 2

Teaches how to move energy in a small orbit, as well as various Qi-emitting and clearing techniques which are crucial to a balanced field; beneficial to every student, and an essential training and practice for healing and health care practitioners. In this level, Qi Gong forms combining visualization and the mind’s intention that function to clear the gates along the microcosmic orbit, so that Qi can circulate freely through the channels through the spine and the front of the body. The circulation of Qi through this orbit creates Jing (the most potent form of Qi), which increases the longevity, health and vitality of the practitioner, and purifies one’s own Qi. It also creates a reservoir for excess energy, providing a safety valve for regulating the vast amount of energy that can enter the channels through Qi Gong practice. The circulation of Qi through the microcosmic orbit is the foundation for developing the medical Qi Gong healing skills of Qi projection and Qi vibration. Students learn exercises for training their ability to project Qi, vibrate Qi, and extract Qi. Qi projection is the basis for tonifying acupuncture points, meridians, and organ systems. Qi vibration is used, for example, to break up a tumor –and Qi extraction is used to dissolve it. Once the student has purified their Qi and increased their Jing to full capacity through the practice of the microcosmic orbit, he or she is in a good position to begin extending the circulation of the Qi through the rest of the eight extraordinary channels in the macrocosmic orbit (Level 3). Circulating Qi through the main governor channel, which connects the lower tan -tien and the third eye–is necessary for inner vision and thus prepares one to properly and safely open the third eye.

Fire ChiGong

Level 3

Advanced Qi Gong, teaches the student to move energy in a large orbit in order to reach optimal levels of awareness, self-realization and spiritual refinement. Christian teaches Qi Gong forms combining specific visualization and the mind’s intention, to open the crown (bai hui) and to clear and circulate Qi through the macrocosmic orbit, linking the eight extraordinary channels. This is the fundamental foundation for initiating advanced internal alchemy, becoming a Medical Qi Gong healing practitioner and/or advancing and deepening your current personal healing practice, and fully opening the third-eye. Circulating Qi through the macrocosmic orbit opens the belt channel, which makes one very energetic, requiring little sleep–and renders one’s health extremely robust, and increases longevity.

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